“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.”
Kahlil Gibran
Acupuncturist & Eastern Medical Practitioner
L.Ac., Mei Zen Cosmetic Ac., Reiki
I moved to Austin, in 2003, to attend the University of Texas, and graduated with my Bachelors of Science, in Health and Fitness Promotion, in 2006. After graduation, I spent 4 years as a personal trainer and yoga instructor, but always wished I could do more to help people heal that which the typical American diet, environmental pollutants, and a sedentary lifestyle create. Yet I wasn’t sold on the Western Medical approach, which pushed me to research Alternative Medical routes.
I knew from a young age that I wanted to help people heal the body, and I started by healing my own. I was suffering from severe depression when I found Acupuncture, and after I used it to balance my own energy and hormones, so I could cope with stress in a more efficient and less damaging way, I started to use it for everything that was creating Dys-ease in my multi-dimensional body.
Whether it was the common flu, insomnia, depression, pain in my body, or even an unexplainable fungal infection I developed on my skin after floating the river (which was never successfully treated after 2 years of trying all the western medical approaches), Acupuncture and Chinese herbs fixed the problem.
After two years of experimenting on my own issues, I decided this medicine was as legitimate as they come and I enrolled in the Academy of Oriental Medicine in Austin, Tx. I graduated in September of 2016 with over 1,000 hours of clinical internship under my belt. I went further in my training to be certified in Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture, and I absolutely LOVE witnessing people transform from the inside out with this protocol!
This medicine inspires me to be creative and flexible when approaching my clinical cases, and it gives me great hope that if given the proper tools, the body will heal itself. I do not refer to myself as a “Healer” because God and Mother Nature are the true healers; I am a Light-worker, shining the brightest light I can so my patients can see a clear pathway to healing their own bodies.
I believe there is no stress, or anxiety, or bad habit that cannot be dissolved and conquered with a little devotion and dedication to seeking the truth, and using the breath, to navigate through these moments of discomfort. Kundalini & Hatha Yoga are my biggest passions next to Chinese Medicine, Aroma Therapy, and Whole foods Supplementation; I use all of the tools in my belt to help support each patient and meet them where they are in their healing process.
I look forward to creating a health plan customized to your individual needs, and would love to hear from you!